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Book a meeting

We look forward to knowing who you are, what drives you and where your challenges lie. That way we can properly assess how we can best help you to make the world a more beautiful and better place in an entrepreneurial way.

  • We would therefore like to ask you to answer the following questions for us, after which we will put you in touch with the right Generous Minds from our collective.

  • In addition, we would like to ask you to send a compact document or presentation that reflects who you are and where your specific challenge lies that you want to discuss with us.

  • Finally, we would like to ask you to read this document 'About Generous Minds', so you have a better idea about us and what you can expect.


Because more and more entrepreneurs know how to find us through word-of-mouth, we receive a lot of requests.  We try to get back to you within two weeks

Are you an investor and want to stay informed about promising cases? Book a meeting here


How do you think Generous Minds can help you?
If you need money to grow, how long is your current runway?
Upload presentation

Thank you for your request. We try to answer within two weeks!

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