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Colombian food is about everything and everyone


In collaboration with ICCO Colombia, a total concept has been developed that combines employment for young people, healthy sustainable food and a fair market for small-scale farmers.

Setting up a cooking school for young people from disadvantaged areas in Colombia. They are trained as chefs and entrepreneurs with specific knowledge about sustainable food and healthy choices.

Once they graduate, they can start their own business or work at a restaurant.

Teachers, students and alumni will also have the opportunity to export the essence of Colombia by developing special products with pure Colombian ingredients for the Dutch and European market, in collaboration with Dutch importers. (this is based on the existing Buen Apetito case in Bolivia)

Societal impact

Young people get a better perspective on the labor market, small-scale farmers get a direct connection to both the training and participating restaurants and are assured of a fair income. Restaurants, chefs and apprentices are given the opportunity to export the essence of Colombia and the Netherlands and Europe are getting to know Colombia in a new way. Food is about everything and everyone.

“ I have unlimited confidence that we can improve the world through food.

My dream is that we can inspire a generation of young Bolivians to create prosperity and hope by working together to exploit Bolivia’s food commodity basis” - Claus Meyer, o-founder of the best restaurant in the world, NOMA

Generous Minds experts and network support

In line with our philosophy we introduce our Generous Minds experts and network were relevant, joined forces to increase the chances of success and impact. From Generous Minds we have done the set-up and preparation for a co-creation workshop in Bogota. A very diverse audience of farmers, restaurant owners, chefs, students, designers and retailers came together for two days to develop concepts around the theme of sustainable food, youth unemployment and the challenges of small-scale organic farmers. We looked at the existing Buen Apetito program in Bolivia and made concrete “good business” adjustments.

In addition, we have identified a number of ingredients that were interesting for export to both the Netherlands and Europe. After the workshop we found a Dutch partner that now actively participates in product innovation, based on the pure ingredients of Colombia, with the ultimate goal of importing healthy “tasty appetite” snacks. Besides that Generous Minds co-wrote an RVO application to support this process financially.

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